Consumer Adoption of Green Products and their Role in Resource Management


  • Pankaj Kumar Azad Senior Research Fellow, Department of Geography Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi., India.
  • Vishal Kumar Laheri Junior Research Fellow, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.


green products, Biodiversity, economic measures


The environmental degradation has evolved as one of the major issue for global concern. Problems such as ozone layer depletion, acid rain, air and water pollution are affecting the quality of human life day by day. Sustainable development is one way of overcoming such menace but at the same time continuous technological advancement and innovations are required to support the development in sustainable manner. The current study talks of sustainable economic, environmental and social development. The study aims the role of ‘Green Products’ in resource management. Various category of green products are available in the market which are eco-friendly and are good for health. The study suggested the factors influencing and hindering the adoption of green products. The paper highlights four measures namely Social, Economical, Political and Technological for adoption of green products by consumers. The study conclude with suggestions that continuous innovations are required that consume the natural resources in more sustainable way and produce eco-friendly goods which are recyclable and compostable.


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How to Cite

Pankaj Kumar Azad, & Vishal Kumar Laheri. (2022). Consumer Adoption of Green Products and their Role in Resource Management. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 5(3), 22–28. Retrieved from


