A Study on Consumer Decision towards Purchase of Organic Food Products: A Case Study of Delhi


  • Vishal Kumar Laheri Doctoral Student Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi, India.
  • Purushottam Kumar Arya Doctoral Student Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi, India.


Traditional Marketing, consumer decision, organic foods


Traditional marketing concept imparts that the products were made to be sold to the customers, whereas the modern marketing practices emphasize on identifying the needs of the customers and then starts the manufacturing process. However, the current marketing concepts extend towards satisfying the needs of the customers without causing any environmental degradation. Now-a-days customers are expected to minimise environmental degradation through their consumption habits. Our study has selected Organic food products for studying the decision of consumers towards their consuming habits. At the first stage, we conducted an in-depth interview of the manufacturer of Organic food products in Delhi, and later on we conducted a survey for 45 respondents across different Organic food products stores in Delhi. The results revealed various facilitators and barriers affecting the purchase of Organic food products. In addition, the level of awareness of consumers was analysed through this survey.


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How to Cite

Vishal Kumar Laheri, & Purushottam Kumar Arya. (2021). A Study on Consumer Decision towards Purchase of Organic Food Products: A Case Study of Delhi. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(2), 84–87. Retrieved from https://www.ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/275


