An Empirical Study on the Factor of Physical Ambience and Its Contribution to the Success of Organized Retail in Punjab


  • Dr. Sarbjit Singh Bedi Associate Professor Department of Humanities and Management Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India.
  • Amit Kumar Lal Research Scholar Department of Humanities and Management Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India.
  • Sukhwinder Kaur Research Scholar Department of Humanities and Management Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India.


Organised Retail, Consumer Buying Behaviour, Physical Ambience


This paper aims to examine the role of physical ambience towards success of organized retail in Punjab and to find out dominating factors which retailers should concentrate upon while framing marketing strategies. Present study was carried out on the people of Punjab visiting shopping mall. The study is descriptive in nature. Data has been collected through questionnaire on a sample of 516 people. Convenience sampling technique is used and data have been analyzed through Factor Analysis using SPSS 16. The findings of this research show that mainly there are 4 factor of physical ambience which contributes to the success of organized retail in Punjab. Security (greeting by the security guard, , uses of dogs),Technology (Escalators, surveillance cameras), Atmosphere (Music for entertainment, offer announcement over mic), Relaxation (Sitting bench, rest rooms),Showcase, Fire extinguishers, Parking charges, Decoration (Colour of walls, laser lights), Bar codes , Design of store, Glass walls, Colour of interiors , Antitheft machines and Behaviour of employees are the factors that customers considered while going to mall. Results from this study show the impacts of physical ambience of retail mall in the mind of customers. So while shopping in a retail mall, marketer should include the above factors of physical ambience which are considered important by the customers. The limitations of this research are time and cost. This paper provides useful suggestions regarding the future of organized retail and highlights the factors related to physical ambience which contribute to the success of organised retail.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sarbjit Singh Bedi, Amit Kumar Lal, & Sukhwinder Kaur. (2021). An Empirical Study on the Factor of Physical Ambience and Its Contribution to the Success of Organized Retail in Punjab. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(2), 79–83. Retrieved from


