E-Loyalty among Rural Customers: Examining the Role of Trust, Convenience and Frequency of use
E-Loyalty, E-business, Online Shopping, E- retailingAbstract
With the cut throat competition in online business, customer retention has momentous consequence on consumer buying behaviour. There are a number of online retailers who try to lure customers through their promotion strategies. In such a scenario, retaining a customer and winning their loyalty remains a challenge. Penetrating rural market has been a major concern for e-retailers. This paper will play a significant role to understand some of the factors that can shed insights in this facet. The focus of this inimitable study is untouched rural area with a huge scope for business expansion, especially online business. Customer loyalty acts as an important factor in affecting consumer buying behaviour. It also plays a role in customer purchase decision and hence understanding antecedents of e-loyalty helps in competitive advantage. The present paper has been undertaken to identify the role of trust, convenience and frequency of use in influencing customer loyalty. Some of the initiatives that can be taken to improve loyalty among online customers have been suggested.
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