The Role of Organizational Commitment and Knowledge for Successful Organizational Performance
commitment, knowledge, organizational performanceAbstract
The continuous education and development constitute the most economical way to achieve competitive advantage. Because investments in knowledge and development skills are fundamental equities and the most cost effective way to invest in quality products and services. Each quality manager must vision the future in both his/her career development and their team employees training, in the way that they are not only prepared to face the new requirements, problems and challenges, but also to be able to develop all the capabilities of a leader. In this way, not only the development of the organization is ensured, but, on the other hand, the employee commitment to the organization is encouraged, given the fact that it invests in their development. On the other hand, the knowledge and commitment are directly associated with organizational performance, i.e. its success, which in turn particularly influences the competitiveness of an organization for a long time. It is in this context, the aim of this paper is set, i.e. to determine whether and what type of role can the organizational commitment and implementation of new knowledge and experience of the employees have, in the success of the organizational performance. The subject of our research have been organizations from private and service activity, in the Republic of Macedonia, from which we have been able to gather some necessary indicators for the organizational commitment and organizational learning, as well as the organizational performance of the employees therein.
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